The position of trainee is much the same as that of an intern in a hospital . 见习员的地位和医院里的实习医生很相似。
When i remarked on her competence, she told me with that pleasant little smile of hers that for a while she had worked in a hospital . 当我称赞她的能干时,她脸上露出惯有的微笑,告诉我她曾经在一家医院做过一段事。
While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery , their parents were paying the price for fame . 当这五个婴儿还安祥地睡在医院育婴室的氧气帐内时,他们的父母却在为名声付出代价了。
The yard of mortal care office in a hospital 在一所医院临终关怀科的院子里。
Paul : richard , thank god . i want him in a hospital 理查,感谢上帝,我希望他留院观察
In cambridge . i work in a hospital in cambridge 住在剑桥。我在剑桥的一家医院工作。
Where does your father work ? he works in a hospital 你爸爸在哪工作?他在医院工作。
I might like to work in a hospital someday 我希望有一天能够在医院中工作。
She ' s a doctor . she works in a hospital 她是一名医生。她在一家医院工作。
Where does your mother work ? she works in a hospital 你妈妈在哪里工作?她在医院里工作